Yethu Network of Schools

NGO Directory

The Learner Advancement Group (LAG)

Our aim is to support learners by providing the necessary skills required to define life and career goals, enabling them to formulate high school exit plans before reaching grade twelve. Learners in Grade 8 receive an exciting psychosocial support programme called Minds and Hearts that leaves them fired up to remain committed to school. We then offer a Career Coaching programme for Grades 10 to 12. We believe that by Grade 12, every learner must have a clearly defined exit strategy. By providing the proper support at the right age and school level, we aim to transform the way learners think and feel about achieving dreams and life desires.

Tel: 0683854243
The Learner Advancement Group (LAG) website


90 Bloekom Curve, Terenure, 1619, Gauteng OR 5 Carissa Road, Caversham Glen, Pinetown, 3600, KwaZulu-Natal.

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