Some young people stay in and succeed at school despite challenging circumstances because they have personal anchors in the form of a caring adult.
Your child has a right to quality basic education, no matter what school they go to and whether you are paying school fees or not. It’s important to remember that if you are worried that your child is not getting the support they should be getting from their school, you have the right to ask questions and propose solutions.
The School Governing Body (SGB) is there to represent you as a parent body so it’s important to raise concerns with them. You should also discuss these concerns with your child’s teacher and principal. You have the power to ensure your child experiences high quality education.
One of the best ways to equip yourself with the tools you need to support your child is to ask your child and their teacher questions. Ask your child open-ended questions about school such as:
The way you respond to the answers is very important for building trust and for ensuring that you are able to support your child if they are struggling at school. Have an open mind and be willing to have a discussion with your child about the issues that come up.
Source: Parent Power